turizmdeiş provides free service for both candidates and employers.

Turizmdeis.com is a web-based platform where hotels, travel businesses, food & beverage businesses, entertainment businesses and all businesses in the tourism sector can post job postings and candidates who want to work in these businesses can apply for these postings.

In order to apply for a job, you must first become a member of Turizmdeis.com. After logging in as a member, you must fill in your CV. After entering all the information about your CV, you can search by selecting the area and region you want to apply to in the search section on the main page. As a result of this filtering, you will be able to apply for the most suitable job postings offered to you.

After logging in to turizmdeis.com, clicking on my candidate profile; You can complete your CV by filling in your personal, education, work experience and other information that should be included in your CV. The accuracy of the information you enter at this stage is very important so that you do not encounter any problems during recruitment.

After entering your CV information on turizmdeis.com, you can choose the template you want from among the different CV templates, and share or download your CV according to this template.

turizmdeis.com is a job search portal with many technological innovations. The approved reference system, which is included in our innovations, tries to confirm whether the candidates accept the reference by e-mailing the references they include in their resume. If the person specified as the reference agrees to be a reference to the candidate, it will be included in the CV of the candidate.

In order to apply for a job, we recommend that you fill your CV (CV) in detail and with the most accurate information. Although it is not mandatory to upload a video resume, it is an application that can give you an advantage in terms of explaining yourself better to employers.

In order to benefit from the trainings in turizmdeis.com, it will be sufficient to become a member of our website.
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